We Create Awesome : "SHOKING BLUE EYES" (Part 1)
SHOKING BLUE EYES “ Reading a book again during class Ms. Teasdale? give me that right now! “ said Mr. Gibbons. OK fine I was reading book under my desk during English but it was only because I already knew all of this. The bell rang through my ears. I quickly gathered my stuff and almost ran out of class. The walk to my locker was horrible. I hated everyone here and had a good reason to. They hated me. I looked up on reaching my locker and I was not surprised to find the hate notes again. It happened every day. The same insulting words ‘ loner ’ , ‘ loser ’ , ’ spineless worm ’ . Never anything different. And you ’ d think they would have got better at insulting after years of practice. I quickly gathered my stuff and rushed to Sarah who was waiting in the usual spot. She didn ’ t speak to me at all and instead she was just looking through Instagram. On seeing me she gestured towards the car and got in. I got in after he...